Pupil Premium


Pupil Premium (PP) is money that the government allocates to schools on the basis of Free School Meal returns, Looked After Children, Special Guardianship Children, Child Arrangement Order, Children Adopted from Care, Nursery Pupil Premium and Service Children. It is intended to be used to help narrow the achievement gap. Nationally, pupils eligible for pupil premium funding do not achieve as well as those pupils who are not eligible. At Chesterton Primary School, we strive to ensure all pupils achieve their potential. Please let us know if your child falls into one of these categories so we can claim additional money to support them in school.

Pupil Premium is a significant amount of money and it is important that all families who may be eligible for Free School Meals or certain government benefits, such as Job Seekers Allowance or Income Support, make sure that they apply! If your child is adopted from care or a Service chid please let us know. Please see the school office if you are unsure. Every school is free to decide how best to direct this funding to meet the needs of individual pupils.

Sign up for Free School Meals

Government research in the last couple of years has shown that around 14% of the 1.4 million children in England entitled to receive free school meals are not claiming them and, for this reason, we would encourage all of our families to check their eligibility.  It is noteworthy that a child who is registered for Free School Meals does not have to have these; the fact of being registered will, however, attract additional funding for the child's school.   


Are your children registered for Free School Meals? Are you unsure whether they are eligible?  Then why not ask?


All parents (Reception to Year 6) in receipt of the following must apply if you recieve one or more of the following:


Pupil Premium

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Updated: 12/11/2018 90 KB